
October 4th, 2020


Book Presentation of “Multiple Injustices” in Tucson, Arizona
The 1st Annual Raquel Rubio Goldsmith Lecture in EGT Studies

Aída Hernández in “Feminist Freedom Warriors”
with Chandra Mohanty
June 1st, 2016

This is an interview with Aída Hernández by the feminist anthropologist from India, Chandra Mohanty. In this interview, the Mexican anthropologist reconstructs her political genealogy and is the basis for the chapter “Searching for Truth in Community” in the book Feminist Freedom Warriors. Genealogies, Justice, Politics, and Hope, edited by Chandra Talpade Mohanty and Linda E. Carty, from Haymarket Books, Chicago, Illinois (2018).

Interview, Ideas for Europe

This is a short podcast by Aída Hernández, for the Souza Santos Boaventura project “Ideas for Europe.”

Documentary HISPANTV
This is my land – Mexico: Indigenous peoples before justice


Radio interview by the feminist anthropologist Marisa Ruiz Trejo with Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo, where they speak about her work in Chiapas and her introduction into feminisms, both as an activist and as a theoretician.

Feminisms of diversity in Latin America

Interview with the Mexican anthropologist and researcher Rosalva Aida Hernández Castillo, on the Feminisms of diversity in Latin America, within the framework of the days carried out by the Democratic Strengthening Project of the UNDP Bolivia that addressed this issue.

Interview with Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo during her stay at the University of Quebec in Montreal, occupying the Nycole Turmel Chair. Interview conducted by Anahi Morales-Hudon

“Possibilities and Limitations of International Justice for Indigenous Women” – Conference at the University of Coimbra

Conference given by Aida Hernández at the University of Coimbra, within the framework of the ALICE project, coordinated by Boaventura de Souza Santos, about his expert work for the case of Inés Fernández Ortega, at the Inter-American Court.


Within the framework of the project “Alice, Strange Mirrors, Unplanned Lessons” this interview with Aída Hernández is conducted by Élida Lauris on March 20, 2014.


Microprogram of Radio Ampliando Voces with Aida Hernandez

The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) and the Latin American Radio Education Association (ALER) present the initiative “Expanding voices, paths of freedom”, whose main objective is to raise awareness about the importance of education in confinement contexts, recognizing persons deprived of liberty as subjects and subjects of law. In this Radio program, they interview the Mexican anthropologist about her work with women in seclusion.